Thursday, July 30, 2009

Can it Be Focused on Business

. Thursday, July 30, 2009
By Jack Ryan

Twitter has taken over the social networking portion of the Internet in a very short time. It is now the number three social networking site on the Internet behind Facebook and MySpace. Twitter may not be number one but it is growing fast and it won't take long for it to get to the top spot position.

When you use twitter you create your own personal brand and you can possibly dominate the niche you are focusing on. Let me explain. You have 140 characters to get your message across. This means a fast paced conversation. This is really a good thing because it doesn't allow anyone to monopolize one conversation for a very long time. It also makes for a very fast conversation that can be exciting and interesting.

Webpages and blogs webpages and blogs tend to be updated a lot slower pace than Web 2.0 sites. This means that if for some reason you don't stay on topic in the conversation is very quick by move on to another conversation. Even though it seems very easy that your followers can move on you can keep them interested by using other applications to add video and audio and other things to your tweets. There are so many tweaks happening at the same time it is not unusual for you to notice tweeting happening almost once every second.

If you have friends, acquaintances, or relatives that use twitter you might want to invite them to follow you. These people may not be able to help you build your business but it's a good way to get started, it's simple, and if you make any mistakes in the beginning, this group will be most forgiving.

You can also take advantage of other applications that help you to use twitter more efficiently and to get more out of it. There are applications that make twitter easier-to-use as well as ones that can help you find followers that are more targeted to your interests.

One suggestion I have is that when you promote your business you should follow other experts in the field that you are interested. You should become aware of who the power users out because if they are in your field and experts in your field and others are following them it may be beneficial for you to follow them so that eventually their followers may be interested in what you are providing.

One of the biggest advantages of twitter is that you can get a large following which will help you to meet more people. An original message on twitter can be re-tweeted with the click of a mouse. In this way your message that started out in one spot in the viral on the Internet. Whenever you get a new message from somebody make sure that you reply because they do not have to follow you because it is a privilege to have a follower.

The twitter community relies on each others treating each twitter with respect. Because it is so easy to un-follow is a very low tolerance for bad behavior. If someone doesn't like how you're acting or what you're writing they will simply stop following you.

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