Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Possibility Of Big Profits With Zero Friction Marketing

. Sunday, November 8, 2009
By Daniel Waser

Let's face it; the Internet marketing (IM) world -- and the pros -- who inhabit it -- can sometimes seem like a sort of "secret handshake society." Many newer or less-successful marketers can't shake the feeling that the deck is stacked against them. Because of this suspicion, we'll be examining a new program designed to cut that deck fairly, and this is why Zero Friction Marketing and the promise of fabulous income seems so intriguing to the average IM marketer, who's continually frozen out by the big guy IM pros when it comes to CPA (cost-per-action)income.

Even the most junior of IM folks knows what CPA stands for, though many will readily admit that they're really not all that up on how to use it. It seems the major reason they can't become competent at it is because the best and most profitable techniques for using CPA and other wealth-generating strategies are closely-held secrets which the top IM pros work hard to keep from everybody else. This is mainly because they don't want to share out what they think is a limited amount of profit with others.

The idea of limited profit -- on something so vast as the Internet -- is a fantasy, but try to convince the really big IM gurus of that. In any event, that appears like it's not going to matter very soon, because the people at Zero Friction Marketing have come up with a system that breaks through the deliberately-obscured CPA techniques that deliver consistent and large amounts of actual profit.

Perhaps the best thing about this new system is that it doesn't require its user to become an expert in the ins-and-out of using Google to generate profit. In fact, this massive search engine won't even be used. It also requires almost no selling of any sort, which is a new innovation, at least as it applies to CPA in how it was used in the recent past. Zero Friction lays out a two-step system that can deliver maximum profit in minimum time, if followed correct. This is definitely attractive, most folks would say.

This new system, which promises to rid a marketer of the need to employ very expensive PPC (pay-per-click) advertising and also eliminate any sort of employment of Google AdWords, was developed in response to what the developers say angered them about IM: The arrogance and lack of respect that's been shown to other marketers by many a well-known affiliate marketing guru.

When looked at dispassionately, it makes sense that the big guys in IM wouldn't want new fish joining the school, after all. They've worked hard to wall off all that potential profit, and look at anybody new coming into the field as a poacher, to be honest. This new program holds a lot of potential for eliminating all that clutter and chaff, most of which is maintained by those pros for their own benefit, and it uses an effective two-step method to gain profit quickly.

As far as the Zero Friction Marketing program goes, it's very streamlined and out-of-the-box ready to go to work for a new learner. It cuts away the screens that have made CPA such a closely-held secret, and it clearly lays out how much profit is possible when the program is followed. The videos supplied -- and there are many of them -- are logically presented, clearly understandable, and so well-made that a viewer will leave any session anxious to get out there and start slugging it out with the top IM pros.

But the best thing seen in the program is that it shows how everything is possible without even the slightest bit of help from Google, the search and Internet behemoth. Rather, it employs Bing, the new search utility from MSN, which promises to deliver ease of income generation an full order of magnitude greater than what Google has delivered in the past.

The amount of actual training given by Saj P. and his team from Zero Friction Marketing, in the program, is impressive. The quality of what's revealed, in fact, shows that actual wealth is finally within the grasp of just about any marketer who has the desire to really apply himself and learn what's being taught within the program. The yellow brick road Zero Friction leads a person down could turn out to be made of real gold, and that alone is probably worth the price of admission.

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