Sunday, August 23, 2009

Memorable Gift

. Sunday, August 23, 2009
By Nick Martin

One day I had dinner with some friends and suddenly something popped out from our minds - the coming Friday is our best friend Jamie's birthday! We should give her a surprise. What gift should we present to her?

Jamie is in Amsterdam for her business degree and we are in Hong Kong. We can't make a nice birthday party for her as gift, or else we need to spend a whole fortune to get to the Netherlands (The point is, I've just been to a shopping spree!)

We would like to send Jamie some gifts that make her feel that we are with her, we are missing her and we have not forgot her birthday! Even though we cannot go to Amsterdam to celebrate her birthday with her, she can still feel our love when she receives the gifts.

Posting her a bulk gift would cost a lot as posting fee is not cheap at all, Amsterdam is quite far away indeed. And actually Jamie's mummy and daddy are so rich that they could buy her anything she lacks as gift.

So we brainstormed very hardly of how could we make Jamie's birthday more remarkable and make her feel that we all miss her very much. What gift would make her feel very touched? And also not be costly?

At last we remember that one day when I was checking my friend's facebook, I saw that nearly every day, one of my friend draws e-cards to his girlfriend as little gift to show how he loves her, and his girlfriend draws back to him too!

It would be quite a good idea if all of us can design birthday e-cards and send them to Jamie sharply at 12am to present greetings to her as gifts! She would feel very touched and miss us very much! We can write and draw whatever we want to let Jamie know.

How surprising would that be! These gifts would make Jamie feel that we are with her as they help to send our love to her. Jamie, please draw us your love back using the DIY e-cards! I know you miss us!

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