Article marketing is a great way to get backlinks and traffic for your site but it can take a lot of time to write the articles you need. Even if you write for hours every day, you probably won't be able to write more than about 300 to 600 articles per month. Most people have trouble writing faster than that. Even if you are able to write all those articles, it won't leave you with time to do much of anything else.
One option is to hire someone to write them for you. However, you may find that the articles you get back are not up to your standards. In addition, some writers take forever to turn in their assignments or flake on you completely and never turn them in. On top of that, the amount of money it costs to buy the articles you need adds up quickly.
Since it is impractical to write all of the articles you need yourself and incredibly expensive to hire others to do it for you, many articles marketers turn to article spinning software for a solution. Article spinners turn one to three articles into hundreds or thousands, which makes it much more practical for marketers to submit articles to hundreds or even thousands of directories.
Not all article spinners are good though. If you have ever done any research online, you have probably come across articles that are so poorly written you can hardly make sense of them. This type of garbage is what you get from many article spinning programs. But there are some good programs available for article marketing. You just have to know what to look for.
Some article spinners do nothing more than replace synonyms. You should definitely avoid using this type of spinner. The reason is that more often than not the spinner spits out garbage that is barely intelligible. If you try to submit these articles to sites that have human editors, they will almost certainly be rejected. Worse yet, if someone who works at a search engine checks out your site's backlinks and finds a bunch of trash, you are likely to be deindexed.
A better way to get articles to use in article marketing is to use a spinner that spins paragraphs. With this type of software, you have to write three different versions of the article you want to spin. In each of these articles, paragraph one has the same meaning as paragraph one in the others. The same thing applies to the rest of the paragraphs. This way, the software can switch out paragraphs and you can create hundreds of new articles from one original article and two rewrites.
Another type of software you can use to spin articles is the type that allows you to choose the words and phrases you want to be used for substitution. These software programs use codes to indicate the phrases that will be switched out and you choose the replacement text yourself. They give you a great deal of flexibility in spinning your articles but can be very difficult or confusing to use.
When you use software to spin your articles you can quickly and easily create a huge volume of articles that can be submitted to various article directories. This allows you to have a lot of backlinks pointing to your website. By using article spinners, you can create a lot of content quickly. As long as you choose a program that produces legible content, it can save you hours and hours of writing time and allow you to shift your article marketing into high gear.
One option is to hire someone to write them for you. However, you may find that the articles you get back are not up to your standards. In addition, some writers take forever to turn in their assignments or flake on you completely and never turn them in. On top of that, the amount of money it costs to buy the articles you need adds up quickly.
Since it is impractical to write all of the articles you need yourself and incredibly expensive to hire others to do it for you, many articles marketers turn to article spinning software for a solution. Article spinners turn one to three articles into hundreds or thousands, which makes it much more practical for marketers to submit articles to hundreds or even thousands of directories.
Not all article spinners are good though. If you have ever done any research online, you have probably come across articles that are so poorly written you can hardly make sense of them. This type of garbage is what you get from many article spinning programs. But there are some good programs available for article marketing. You just have to know what to look for.
Some article spinners do nothing more than replace synonyms. You should definitely avoid using this type of spinner. The reason is that more often than not the spinner spits out garbage that is barely intelligible. If you try to submit these articles to sites that have human editors, they will almost certainly be rejected. Worse yet, if someone who works at a search engine checks out your site's backlinks and finds a bunch of trash, you are likely to be deindexed.
A better way to get articles to use in article marketing is to use a spinner that spins paragraphs. With this type of software, you have to write three different versions of the article you want to spin. In each of these articles, paragraph one has the same meaning as paragraph one in the others. The same thing applies to the rest of the paragraphs. This way, the software can switch out paragraphs and you can create hundreds of new articles from one original article and two rewrites.
Another type of software you can use to spin articles is the type that allows you to choose the words and phrases you want to be used for substitution. These software programs use codes to indicate the phrases that will be switched out and you choose the replacement text yourself. They give you a great deal of flexibility in spinning your articles but can be very difficult or confusing to use.
When you use software to spin your articles you can quickly and easily create a huge volume of articles that can be submitted to various article directories. This allows you to have a lot of backlinks pointing to your website. By using article spinners, you can create a lot of content quickly. As long as you choose a program that produces legible content, it can save you hours and hours of writing time and allow you to shift your article marketing into high gear.
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