Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Marketing And Publicity Tips For Self Promotion

. Wednesday, February 3, 2010
By Gloria Jennings

Writing a book is a life-defining experience for a writer. It can be very difficult when the author realizes that their book has not defined anyone else's life. This is especially true when you rely upon the book for your livelihood. You must get people to buy and read it. But how? What are the best author and book marketing tips?

Some authors have realized there is a great need for information about writing books. They have therefore, cleverly, written books about how to advertise the book you have written. The tips in the books may or may not be useful, but what IS useful is how you have learned about their book in the first place. Make your own web page and fan site. No one needs to know that you do not have dedicated fans doing this for you. Write a blog. Make a funny video and put it on YouTube. Advertise on your social networking sites. Make your technology (especially free technology!) work for you.

If you are a small town author, it is all the better. Living in a big city gives you access to the biggest publishers and agents, but writing a book there is no great news for anyone. In a small town you are far more likely to be noticed. The newspaper will want to interview you, the local news station will do a story on you, book stores may want you in for a book signing. Take advantage of every single one of these opportunities, because they will not come around again.

You want to give just enough information about the book to make people interested. Do not talk too much about it or give anything away. Be a professional and think about the business of you. Every story or interview is just like a job interview. Do not say anything off-color or make stupid jokes. You do not want to risk alienating a single person. Make sure you are well spoken but do not try to sound 'too smart' and risk sounding like an idiot when no one has any clue about what you are talking about. Not everyone knows critical theory or the Laconian or Derrida point of view. Keep it simple and entertaining.

You must play on everyone's memories of you. Talk about the town's influence on your writing, or your high school, or other local celebrities in order to give a place pride. Be humble. Remember that people will know your parents or remember you from school and will be eager to see what you have done.

Promote yourself as much as you can without becoming irritating. Do television commercials and put up posters. Making deals with local businesses can be a great business move. You just want your book to get out there, even if you are not making much money on it yet. It takes a while for books to pass from hand to hand and for viral advertising to happen.

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